Do You Want to Be Your Own Boss and Start a Home-Based Business?
Every morning millions of people wake up around the world and make their daily commute to their 9-to-5 jobs hating the fact that they are forced to be somewhere and do something all day that they don’t like.
Even those who do work hard and actually love their jobs are frustrated because they see little reward or recognition for all their hard efforts.
Many dream of the day when they will finally quit their jobs, become their own boss and start a home-based business. And dream of having a better and more fulfilling lifestyle, dreaming of FREEDOM both financially and emotionally.
Every time the boss lets someone know they will be required to give up their weekend plans for the good of the company, some people contemplate the benefits of becoming their own boss and bring forward their plans to start a home-based business. While others will simply do nothing and accept that this is all life has to offer.
Are You One of these Positive and Motivated People?
If you are, what is the easiest way to change your circumstances and for you to start taking full control of your own future without much investment or skills?
There are many choices depending on your current personal and financial circumstances, but your best bet is to make money working from home and start a home-based business.
Which in my opinion means joining a work-from-home opportunity, such as a manufacturer-to-consumer direct network marketing company or an affiliate network that has a continuity-type business model, whereby people pay ongoing membership fees or subscriptions for a product or service, and you will receive regular commissions month after month.
My Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Home-Based Business with a Network Marketing Company.
1) Unlimited Income Potential
You can earn what you are worth. This means your income can become as large as you would like it to be, depending on the amount of time and effort you are willing to invest in building your business.
Being self-employed is a very different mindset from those following the 9-to-5 career path where no matter how much work you do or how much effort you put into your job, your income level stays the exact same. As a home business entrepreneur, there are no limits to your income potential, only the limit that you create for yourself.
2) Residual Income
This is the best type of income by far because it is the type that keeps coming in even if you are not at work or not working at all. You can be making money even while you sleep, 24/7, 365 days of the year!
However, creating a residual income is not automatic, nor does it happen overnight as many people are led into believing by the gurus making 6 or 7-figure incomes. There is WORK involved, but you are “leveraging” your own efforts and those of your downline to make your income grow exponentially month after month …and that’s a very exciting goal to aim for!
3) Work From the Comfort of Home
Having your own home business means you can work from the comfort of your home. You can get up when you want, work when you want, go out when you want. A home business means that you can take good care of your family and make money from home simultaneously.
4) Unique Products at Wholesale Prices (Potentially for Free)
Most network marketing and direct sales companies have superior products to those you find in the stores. These can potentially become free when your residual income or retail sales start to cover the cost of the products. It means you can get access to some of the best and most cutting-edge nutritional products for a fraction of the cost and become healthier and wealthier in the process. It’s one of the great benefits of starting a health and nutrition network marketing business.
5) Establishing New Relationships, and Friendships
Network marketing is a people business. You are constantly meeting and interacting with new people, forming strong bonds and partnerships with those you meet every day. Your retail customers, wholesale customers, and downline associates soon become close friends, almost like an extended family.
6) Training
Unlike having a career in a traditional brick-and-mortar type business, where you have to be highly qualified and well-trained even before you are likely to land a well-paid job, in network marketing you can be in business as soon as you complete an online enrollment form. You learn on the job, and as you grow and develop so does your business.
7) Personal Development
As your network marketing business grows so does your personal development. You develop new skills as a Leader and your ability to communicate effectively increases. Everyone who is successful in network marketing continuously grows and develops themselves. It is ongoing and personally very fulfilling.
8) Travel
As your home business and downline organization grow globally there are opportunities to enjoy travel both for business and for pleasure. Social networking has made doing business globally on the Internet a breeze. With Google Chrome browser you can translate to over 100 languages very easily, and doing business anywhere in the world is now an everyday reality. Very often the rewards for international success are travel paid for by the company itself.
9) Freedom and Empowerment
We all want to be financially and emotionally free. When you are your own boss you are responsible for the success of your home business. When you work at home, it will empower you to achieve many things you were unable to do when you were doing a 9-to-5 job. When you have learned a few new skill sets you could potentially be in a position to make money on demand for the rest of your life.
10) Tax Benefits
One of the best reasons for starting a home business is the tax advantages that come with working out of your own home. You are able to write off your travel expenses and deductions for your home office in whole or in part. These alone make it worthwhile to have a home business, and in some countries, there are special tax incentives to start your own home business.
In conclusion…
To get all of the benefits of having a home-based business the first thing you must do is BEGIN!!! It sounds obvious I know, but is amazing the number of people that cannot even take the first step on the road to success. And it is not that difficult, but nothing happens until you take ACTION!!!
However, to be really successful you need a playbook, the blueprint of what has already been proven to work for those already achieving big success. Lucky for you we already have Leaders who have blazed the trail before you, so you can get on with the important job of meeting people and inviting them to discover your network marketing business.
To get started and learn more visit my “Work With Me” page and let’s connect.
A big business starts small.
Richard Branson