Choosing the home business that’s right for you can be both exciting and terrifying. But before I jump into the “reasons you want to choose a better life and lifestyle,” it is important to take a moment and consider why you need a home-based business.
Today’s Broken Employment Model
All over the world, many hard-working people are struggling financially. Many employees have no choice but to work two or more jobs to survive.
Whilst it’s very commendable that some people have such a strong work ethic, it’s also a sad reflection of today’s broken employment model that people need multiple jobs… And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic turned economies upside down.
You see, today’s employment model makes you dependable. It does not pay all your bills, it leads you into debt. It certainly doesn’t lead you to achieve an early retirement or enable you to live a better life.
What’s more, unemployment can devastate your finances and leave you in a perilous state, especially if you’ve taken out loans or have maxed out your credit cards. All of which are not great features. Why then would anyone want to stay in that extremely limited model? Yet billions of people do it — every day they go to work for someone else.
I recently read a statistic on the internet, the survey stated …
In the United States, more than half of Americans — 56 percent, to be exact — have less than $1,000 combined in their checking and savings accounts. Nearly two-thirds of Americans do not have enough money in savings to cover the cost of a single unplanned emergency expense.”

Building Someone Else’s Dream, Not Your Dream
Back in the old days, companies would take good care of their employees. Pay them just enough so they could pay all their bills. Or even pay them a little extra so they could save and build a retirement nest egg.
If it was a great company, they might even pay for your kids’ private education, university tuition, and even your dependents’ private health care.
Then, at the end of it all, they gave you a wonderful retirement plan, a gold clock or watch, 95% of your final salary pension scheme, plus a big fat bonus cheque so you could sleep easy for the rest of your days.
For my parents’ generation, this was reality and not pie in the sky — they had a better life in retirement.
But those golden days are long gone now. These kinds of caring companies simply don’t exist anymore. Today’s companies take more care of their own bottom line and pay scant regard for yours. You are building someone else’s dream, not your dream of a better life. They don’t pay you enough to pay all your bills, but they do pay you just enough so you don’t leave. They make you dependent.
To escape from this dependency you need an alternative source of income. You need Plan B. You need to start your own side business, embrace the entrepreneur model, and follow your own path to a better life.

Plan B – Investing in YOU
As you will soon discover, it’s crazy not to have a Plan B — an exit strategy to get out of the employment model. It makes smart financial sense to take part in the entrepreneurship model by starting your own home-based side business.
Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best investments you can make – because it means you are investing in YOU.
What’s more, anyone can start a side business, even YOU … even if you’re an introvert!
It can be run from the comfort of your home online. You don’t have to quit your 9-to-5 job right away either. In fact, you probably shouldn’t while you build your foundations for a better life and success.
A Word of Caution…
Before we go any further talking about Plan B, I’d like to tell you that not all home business models are created equal. Aligning yourself with the right type of model can be a big contributing factor to your financial success. It can even drastically reduce your exposure to risk.
Okay, let’s continue with your exit plan to a better life…
Be on the “Right Side” of the Cash Flow Quadrant
Over 22 years ago I decided to leave the corporate world and build a leveraged residual income home business.
At the time, I owned a thriving brand design agency servicing many blue-chip clients. It was great fun and mentally stimulating being a graphic designer. It felt good to have created a successful business out of my passion for art. But being a service business meant my client deadlines ran my life 6-7 days a week. It was feast or famine, working 80+ hours a week to survive. Dealing with demanding clients, tight production deadlines and project management of subcontractors on large branding projects became very stressful.
Trading Time for Money…
Being self-employed I was earning a higher salary than being an employee, but I was still trading my time for money. It had its limitations.
In a nutshell, I had gone from being an employee to now owning my job … and gave myself unnecessary stress and financial worry in the process and not the better life I dreamed of!
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
Jim Rohn
Discovering Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant…

After reading Robert T. Kiyosaki’s empowering book, Cashflow Quadrant, I realized I was on the left side of the quadrant.
I was trading time for money — known as linear income because there are only 24 hours in a day in which you can trade your time for money.
If you want to make more money, then you have to trade more of your time.
However, what really opened my mind was reading that the right side of the quadrant consists of 5% of the people who generate 95% of the wealth.
It was J. Paul Getty who once said, “I’d rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.”
I decided that I too needed more LEVERAGE. I needed a business system that would enable me to earn unlimited residual income from the efforts of many other like-minded entrepreneurs.
In truth, I was already searching for a better life than being an employee or an overworked self-employed small business owner.
It was only after I learned the 4 quadrants – summarized in the diagram below – that I decided entrepreneurship was the way forward for me to achieve my lifestyle goals and financial independence.
Understanding Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant…

Employee – E portion of the quadrant
About 95% of the population is in this quadrant. As an employee, they are employed by a company or an organization and are trading their time for money. In this linear model, if you want to make more money you need to trade more of your time — ever notice how employees want more overtime? You can, of course, job hop to a higher-paying job, or get promoted up the ranks, but the cycle remains the same, you go to work to make money, and if you don’t show up you don’t get paid…or worse, you get fired!!
Self-Employed – S portion of the quadrant
Small business owners and Freelancers see themselves as worth more than an employee. They can earn a higher salary than being an employee, and qualify for tax breaks for owning a home business. However, their income is still limited by trading time for money. They now own their job and work 80+ hours a week trying to survive! An all too familiar story for me!
Business Owner – B portion of the quadrant
A business owner is someone who owns a system that makes money. Typically, a system consists of having employees working to build your dream. The business will continue to make money even when you are not there or go on vacation. You no longer have to trade your own time for you to make money. Business systems come in many shapes and forms, from leveraging employees or automated e-commerce to franchise or direct sales and multi-level models, and all points in between.
Investor – I portion of the quadrant
An investor is someone who has portfolio money. Similar to the business owner they don’t have to trade hours to make money but they put their money to work for them to better their lives. They typically invest in real estate, stocks, Futures and commodities, Tax Leins, other businesses etc.
How to Move from Quadrant E to B
Robert T. Kiyosaki states in his Cashflow Quadrant book that the two quadrants on the right own 95% of the world’s assets, so at least if you want to earn some money, then you should start to take your own entrepreneurial career path.
My game plan is to help people (those who want more freedom or want to retire early) to move from quadrant E to B and bypass S completely. I help others leverage business systems so they can start an action plan to set a date to fire their boss.
Eliminating the No-Money Obstacle…
OK. You might be asking, “Do I need to invest to start my home business?”
What if I told you that you already have a way in your back pocket to eliminate the “don’t have the money obstacle” quickly and effortlessly?
Let me explain a different thought pattern…
Did you know that you are already losing money — maybe as much as $300-$400 per month — by not making a decision to be in a home-based business?
Yes, it’s true!
What if you could keep that $300-$400, and out of that you invest $100 to get started in an amazing opportunity? What if you could be making money on top of what you are saving?
How is it possible?
Believe it or not, there are two tax systems. One for the informed and one for the uninformed.
People who understand taxes, people who understand tax strategies, people who know how to keep more of their money, and then take that money and invest it in themselves. They make even more money, and the IRS helps them by giving tax breaks in the form of tax deductions. Their mindset is, that they want home business entrepreneurs to build a business and make even more money so they will be paying more taxes.
Home-Based Business Tax Deductions
A home business has many benefits available to you once you are in. One of the biggest advantages is tax breaks for small business owners and entrepreneurs. For example, home-based deductions are available when any dwelling unit of yours is used on a regular basis for your business…deductions are available on a business vehicle, on travel, on meals & entertainment, professional fees, computer software, on general office deductions etc., the list goes on and on!
There is also funding to be had for small business startups through sources such as government grants, local enterprise grants, trust grants, private lenders, crowdfunding etc.
Starting a home-based business — even if you run it part-time — can still be the single best financial decision you can make.
Okay, let’s wrap up this Choosing a Better Life blog post…
Hope you’ve got some value here on why you need to make a decision to become your own boss.
Now it’s time for you to take ACTION for a better life, be your own boss, and START your home business.
If you want to work with me and partner with a health & nutrition company with unique all-natural products, please go to my results page.
To your success!
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
Jim Rohan
Income Disclaimer
There are NO guaranteed earnings in any home business opportunity. Individuals should not participate in any business under the expectation of earning substantial income if they are not planning to put in hard work, dedication, and leadership.