The Power of Defining Success on Your Own Terms


Continuing with my Success+ You podcast series. Today I am going to talk to you about the power of defining success on your own terms.

Podcast Transcript

Hello, it’s Ollie Relfe in the UK. And today I bring you another exciting episode in my Success+You series.

In this episode, I am going to share with you some thoughts about the power of defining success on your own terms.

But before I jump into today’s topic. If you don’t know who I am… my name is Ollie Relfe and I live here in the UK near Brighton.

I am into organic health and wellness, I love nature, I love gardening, I love hiking and cycling, I also love to travel, art, and being an entrepreneur I find very exciting.

Okay, that’s enough about me. Let’s dive into today’s topic on the power of defining success on your own terms.

You’re unique, so why should you settle for anything less than living your best life? We all deserve to feel happy, fulfilled, and successful in life. This podcast will teach you how to achieve those goals.

So here are 5 tips to help you get started.

1. Start with a Vision Board.

A vision board is an effective way to visualize your future self. It’s also a powerful tool to help you set goals and make decisions. To start, grab some poster paper and cut out images that represent your future ideal life. Then, place them in a frame where you can see them every day.

2. Create a Mission Statement.

Once you’ve defined your vision, write down your mission statement. This will serve as a reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

3. Write Down Your Goals.

Next, think about the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. If you’re looking to start a business, you might need to build a website, find customers or market yourself online and in social media.

4. Set Smaller Goals.

Once you’ve defined your goal, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you work toward achieving your larger goal.

5. Celebrate Every Step Along the Way.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand, take a moment to celebrate every small victory along the way. It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when you’re so busy focusing on the details.

Remember, only you have the power to define what success means to you. In fact, you are the only one who can truly define success. What does success look like for you?

So that’s it for today’s Success+You episode. Hopefully, you have found some value and at least this success hack may help you to move forward.

But don’t kid yourself, becoming self-disciplined and successful is very hard work. You can make it a lot easier for yourself if you set yourself up for success from the start. Cultivate the success mindset. And remember whom you’re doing this for… YES! YOU! …and you’ve already won half the battle.

Finally, you can find more inspiration, motivation, and biz tips over on my blog at

Until next time.

And wherever you are in the world. Stay positive and keep shooting for our goals.

Start Here!

Ollie Relfe

Written by Ollie Relfe
Entrepreneur, mentor, and blogger who helps people achieve their work-life balance goals through direct sales.

Ollie Relfe

Written by Ollie Relfe
Entrepreneur, mentor, and blogger who helps people achieve their work-life balance goals through direct sales.

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I’m an entrepreneur, mentor, and blogger who helps people achieve their work-life balance goals through home businesses. Learn more about working with me.

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